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Carbon and water budgets
of a lowland plantation
at the DNDF flux tower site

Principal investigator at CIRES:

Shih-Chieh Chang


The Da-Nong-Da-Fu (DNDF) lowland reforestation area in eastern Taiwan is a rural landscape with a matrix that has been continuously changed from natural forest (before 1920), through sugarcane crops (1920 to 2000), to the current tree plantations (since 2002). We are exploring two main questions using a modelling approach:

  • To what extent are important carbon- and water-related state variables changed in the different land-use types?

  • What potential ecosystem services could different land-use types provide, especially under future climate change scenarios?

The validation of model simulations for the plantation is partly supported by the in situ measurement of CO2, water vapor, and energy fluxes of a flux tower maintained by this project. Ongoing research topics include the validation of an eddy covariance footprint model, the exploration of seasonal dynamics of canopy traits using UAV-based NDVI camera, and the quantification of transpiration of dominant tree species using sapflow sensor technique.

The flux tower site provides 30-minute flux data including net ecosystem CO2 exchange, gross primary production, ecosystem respiration and evapotranspiration. The basic meteorological parameters are also monitored at 10-min frequencies, including air temperature, relative humidity, net radiation (incoming and outgoing short- and long-wave radiation), photosynthetically active radiation, wind speed/direction, soil heat flux, soil temperature, soil water content and precipitation.

Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ecology and Sustainability, College of Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University

No.1, Sec.2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan.

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