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03.02.i04. Prof. Shih-Chieh profile phot

Shih-Chieh Chang is an ecosystem ecologist with a research focus on the carbon fluxes of forest ecosystems. He and his colleagues established two long-term research sites in Taiwan, the first situated in the montane cloud forest of Chi-Lan Mountain (CLM) located in I-Lan in 2002. Early research at the site investigated nutrient cycling, fog meteorology and fog deposition. Fog-related studies have continued until today, including the development of a distribution map of cloud forest. This was recently published in collaboration with German colleagues. Shih-Chieh Chang's current efforts on carbon budget study are the quantification of CO2 and CH4 fluxes using eddy covariance method and the development of a novel chamber technique for continuous measurements of leaf photosynthesis and respiration in the field. The second research site is the Da-Nong-Da-Fu (DNDF) plantation in Hualien. The main research question at DNDF seeks to understand the carbon and water budget of lowland plantation using eddy covariance method, and to evaluate the system resilience among different land use types.


Ecosystem ecology ; biogeochemistry ; ecosystem carbon budget

Lab of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, B446




CIRES,College of Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University. 
No.1,Sec.2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan.

​Active Projects

  • ⼤氣懸浮微粒對森林⽔分利⽤效率的影響研究 (MOST 109-2313-B-259-001-)

  • 渦流相關法⾜跡模式驗證 (MOST 108-2111-M-259-001-)

  • 環境變遷下⾼⼭湖泊⽣態系統服務的永續性 ‒ ⼦計畫⼀:台灣中⾼海拔湖泊地景的⼤氣碳通量研究 (MOST 108-2621-M-239-001-)

  • ⼤氣懸浮微粒對樟樹⽣理⽣態的影響研究 (MOST 108-2911-I-259-501-)

Key Publications

  • Chang, S.-C., Schemenauer, R.S. (2021). Fog Deposition. In: T. Foken (ed) Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Springer, pp. (in print)

  • Imbert, J.B., Blanco, J.A., Candel-Pérez, D., Lo, Y.-H., de Andrés, E.G., Yeste, A., Herrera-Álvarez, X.,Barba, G.R., Liu, Y., Chang, S.-C. (2021). Synergies between climate change, biodiversity, ecosystem function and services, indirect drivers of change and human well-being in forests. In: Ramanan,V.V., Shah, S., Prasad, R., (eds). Exploring Synergies and Trade-offs between Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals. Spring Nature, pp. 263-320, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-7301-9_12

  • Bond-Lamberty, B. et al. (2020) COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data. Global Change Biology, 26:7268-7283, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15353

  • Chang, S.-C., Saitoh, T. M., Shibata, H., Suzuki, S. N. (2020) Recent advances in the understanding of ecosystem processes at eddy covariance CO2 flux sites in East Asian forest ecosystems: a review. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 77:52-65, DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.D-20-00018

  • Schulz, H.M., Li C.F., Thies, B., Chang, S.C., Bendix J., (2017). Mapping the montane cloud forest of Taiwan using 12 year MODIS-derived ground fog frequency data. PLoS One 12, e0172663, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172663

  • Pariyar, S., Chang, S.-C., Zinsmeister, D., Zhou, H., Grantz, D.A., Hunsche, M., Burkhardt, J. (2017). Xeromorphic traits help to maintain photosynthesis in the perhumid climate of a Taiwanese cloud forest. Oecologia, 184:609-621, DOI: 10.1007/s00442-017-3894-4

  • Wu C-H, Lo Y-H, Blanco JA, Chang S-C, 2015: Resilience assessment of lowland plantations using an ecosystem modeling approach. Sustainability, 7:3801-3822, DOI: 10.3390/su7043801

CIRES members

Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ecology and Sustainability, College of Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University

No.1, Sec.2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan.

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